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Cal-OSHA Standards Board Approves New Ladder Safety Rules

(Click here for amended regulation)


On March 9, 2012 a new ladder standard went into effect. Here is a summary of Title 8, CCR, Section 3276. Portable Ladders: 

Subsection (b) of this section consists of definitions of terminology used in the standards that comprise this section. An amendment to add a definition for the term “single-rail ladder” was added. This definition will clarify to the employer the meaning and application of the proposed standard prohibiting single-rail ladder use in new subsection (d). An amendment for Section 3276(d)(1) which pertains to the selection and use of portable ladders to add language that prohibits single-rail ladder use. The amendment will require employers to use conventional two rail portable ladders.

Section 3278. Use of Fixed Ladders.

Subsection (a) of this section contains general safety requirements for fixed ladders intended to ensure such ladders are used safely by workers. A new subsection (b) is proposed to define what is meant by the term single-rail ladder as used in Section 3278. This amendment will clarify to the employer the meaning of the prohibition on single-rail ladder use contained in existing subsection (a)(4).


Section 1675. General.
Existing Section 1675 requires all portable and fixed ladders used in construction to comply with Section 3276 and Section 3277, respectively. An amendment is proposed to include a reference to Section 3278, in addition to the existing reference to Section 3277, on the use of fixed ladders in Section 1675(c). The proposed amendment will clarify to the employer that the fixed ladder use requirements of Section 3278, which includes a prohibition on the use of single-rail ladders and other important safety requirements, applies to the CSO. In addition, an amendment is proposed that adds a new subsection (d)
at the end of Section 1675 stating, “Single-rail ladders shall not be used,” which will ensure that workers do not use an inherently unsafe ladder and which will remove any question as to whether Section 1675 is ALAEA the federal construction standards in 29 CFR1926.1053(b)(19) that prohibits the use of singlerail ladders.

For more information click here.