FELS Is On the Road!

Farm Employers Labor Service

CA Farm Labor Contractors Assn. Ag Labor Forum, San Luis Obispo, November 21 & 22

NCAE Ag Employer Forum, Las Vegas, December 4-6

CAFB 2024 Annual Meeting, Monterey, December 8-10

APMA Forum, Monterey, February 5-7, 2025

November 21 & 22, California Farm Labor Contractors Association Ag Labor Forum, Embassy Suites, 333 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo; more information and registration here. FELS COO Bryan Little will discuss “Compliance Strategies for Cal/OSHA’s Indoor Heat Standard,” 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM, Friday Nov. 22.

December 4-6, National Council of Agricultural Employers Ag Employer Labor Forum, M Resort, Las Vegas; more information here. FELS COO Bryan Little will be joined by American Farm Bureau colleague John Walt Boatwright to discuss activities of the federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration and Cal/OSHA; check back later for more details!

December 7-10, California Farm Bureau 2024 Annual Meeting and YF&R Conference, Monterey Conference Center and Monterey Marriott. More information here. Come visit the FELS booth in the Annual Meeting registration area; check back later for more details!

February 5-7, 2025, 44th Annual Agricultural Personnel Management Association Forum, Monterey, Portola Hotel. More information here. Check back later for more details!


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