In Huerta v. CSI Electrical Contractors, the California Supreme Court continued its recent trend of expanding and defining protections for employees related to “hours worked” and compensable time for hours worked. The Court in Troester v. Starbucks refused to apply to the facts at hand the federal “de minimis” doctrine, under which small amounts of time that is […]
FELS Newsletter: April 2024
Who is LETF and Why Should You Care?
Based on a number of recent appeals filed by our office for citations issued by Cal/OSHA’s Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF) Unit, we thought it might be helpful to explain what and who LETF is. LETF is a coalition of various state and local agencies that include Cal/OSHA, the California Labor Commissioner, the Contractor’s State […]
UC Coop Extension Agent Bruno Guides,Learns from Dairies Switching to Milking Robots
Michael Hsu, UC Agricultural and Natural Resources When third-generation dairy farmer Shonda Reid first saw a milking robot at a farm show 13 years ago, she immediately recognized that the technology represented the future. Her father, however, took a bit more convincing. “I came home and showed him and said, ‘This is what we need […]
USDOL Emphasizes Ending Child Labor Violations
As spring approaches, employers need to ensure compliance with child labor laws. There are numerous restrictions that apply to the employment of minors under both California and federal law. The United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) enforces the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), which regulates child labor. In California, the Labor Commissioner’s Office regulates child […]