Human Resources

Employee Handbook (Standard Form version): Ideal to inform employees about general rules of conduct, and other conditions of employment. The handbook contains required notices such as sexual harassment, pregnancy leave, workweek, payday, etc. The handbook is customized by you answering specific facts about your company on the order form. Information is merged into final English and Spanish versions. Each language version is separately printed on 11″ X 17″ color paper of your choice. You can download a sample Standard Form Employee Handbook and Order Form and view Employee Handbook pricing here. You can order on-line here.

HR Compliance Manual: Is it possible to stay on top of the numerous Cal/OSHA and Human Resource requirements? The FELS HR Compliance Manual can help. In a single 3-ring binder, FELS has compiled key HR procedures and Cal/OSHA programs. The HR Manual is customized to your company by merging your site-specific information into the Manual.

Check here for HR Manual Order FormCheck here for Programs Administrator Descriptions

HR Compliance Manual for Agricultural Employers . . #409.E.MNL $350/manual

Supervisor’s Handbook on Labor Relations. Explains what a supervisor should and should not during a union activity. Explains the new “card-check” procedure for union representation petitions, contrasts it with the previous secret ballot process. English & Spanish. . .#301.B.BOK $49.99 SALE $39.99/manual

Job Descriptions, a Reference for Employers: Discusses the importance of job descriptions and explains how to write them. Contains over 40 sample job descriptions.
Job Descriptions Manual . . . #407.E.BOK – $25.00/book

NO UNION Merchandise: Declare your position on unions by wearing pro-company merchandise:

Campaign Buttons: Large “NO” with campaign slogan “Liberty Without a Union.” English and Spanish. 2¼” diameter.
Campaign Buttons . . . #302.B.BTN – 59¢/button

Baseball Cap: White baseball cap has the words “No Union” and a “no union” symbol.
Baseball Cap . . . #303.B.CAP – $6.95/hat

Campaign Buttons with Eagle Characterization: A 2¼” button with a characterization of an eagle surrounded by the international symbol for NO. and the campaign slogan “Liberty Without a Union.”

Campaign Buttons- English and Spanish. 2¼” diameter . . . #305.B.BTN – 59¢/button


Spanish Translation Service: Have your English text translated into Spanish. FELS translators are Mexican-Americans who understand the nuances of agricultural words and phrases. Call for details.
English Text Translated into Spanish . . . # – $45/double-spaced page

Spanish for the California Farmer: Written to give growers a basic introduction to the Spanish language, this book explains basic Spanish grammar as well as agricultural vocabulary and slang. 72 pages.
English and Spanish Book . . .#504.B.BOK – $19/book