Cal/OSHA News Release: Cal/OSHA Increase Civil Money Penalty Amounts for 2025

Department of Industrial Relations Newsroom

The increases adjust for inflation and ensure Cal/OSHA is consistent with California and federal law.

Oakland—On January 1, 2025, the Department of Industrial Relations’ (DIR) Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) increased penalties for certain violations.

For citations issued on or after January 1, 2025, the maximum penalties for violations classified as regulatory, general, willful, or repeat are as follows:

  • The maximum penalty for general and regulatory violations, including posting and recordkeeping violations, is $16,285.
  • The maximum penalty for willful and repeat violations is $162,851.
  • The maximum penalty for violations classified as serious is $25,000; it did not increase.
  • The minimum penalty for willful violations is $11,632.

This annual increase is required by law and was enacted by the California Legislature in 2017. This legislation authorizes increases in certain minimum and maximum civil penalties, making them consistent with federal OSHA’s civil penalties. The increase is based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ report on the October Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers each year. This year’s adjustment for inflation rate was approximately 2.6%.

Editor’s Note: These increase civil money penalties highlight up to $16,285 for posting and recordkeeping violations is an illustration of the value of having up-to-date postings (like FELS Employment Notices and Posters) and written programs you can find in FELS’ HR Compliance Manual. If you have questions, we can help you at 800-753-9073 or


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